Vision Statement
To create an environment in which Americans can thrive, realize their full potential, and help bring sovereignty and abundance to all People on Earth
About You
You are exploring this website because:
You are fed up with the status quo, debt-slavery, complacency, obedience, and
manufactured political divisions
You are a Critical & Free Thinker
You are a leader, not a follower; and, are willing to educate yourself to protect
and defend freedom & your nation
You are willing to take positive, lawful action and live courageously and freely
The Core Problem We Solve
There is a foreign Corporate Criminal Cartel masquerading as government
committing crimes against “We the People.”
An Ancient Cult that is nationless.
The Cult is organized as multiple national corporations, i.e., fake “nations”, with subsidiary corporations that look and act like lawful government, but are actually not lawful government at all; because corporations have no sovereign powers whatsoever.
Criminal Cartel
Using trickery, fear, debt, and poison, this Corporate Cartel steals from, punishes, and seeks to kill you.
We the People
We the People of 193 countries have unalienable Rights and a plenary Duty to protect them so we can live freely and thrive.
The Solution is obvious yet it requires courage to execute
Unlearn & Reeducate
We must unlearn how we were programmed to think our world was organized. We
need to reeducate ourselves on the true nature of its criminal and deceitful origins. We must learn how to protect our unalienable Rights, our freedom, our families, and our country. We must think critically, set ourselves free, and take control of our lives and future.
Assemble and Organize
We must meet face to face, share the knowledge, and organize at the county level. By creating county assemblies we can reseat our guaranteed “Republican form of government”, arrest the corporate criminal cartel actors, and restore the promise of America here and beyond.
Take Lawful Action
By serving Notices to the foreign Corporate Criminal Cartel actors impersonating lawful governments, we can reseat our “Republican form of government” and restore our unalienable Rights. Even a small group of organized and united men and women can decimate the foreign Corporate Criminal Cartel, one county at a time. It’s not hard, but it does require unwavering and relentless courage. No one can make you live courageously. The choice is up to you.
Live Courageously and Freely
As Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Knowing yourself is also the source of all courage. You are Free. You are Sovereign. You are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, including the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. However, you only have Rights if you know what they are and express them. So when you know who you are, you defend your Rights, not just because it is your duty, but also because nobody else but you can. Rise up. Unlearn. Reeducate. Share. Organize. Live courageously and freely.